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Julie Paschkis & Warren Dykeman; new work

Joe Max Emminger; clay sculpture


december 1st - december 25th, 2017

Artists Reception: December 2nd, Saturday, 4 - 6 pm

Julie Paschkis, Meercat, gouache on paper, 12 x 16 in, 2017

Julie Paschkis

"I make a lot of images with a destined end: as illustrations for books, for cards, for fabric. I love doing all of that, but I also like to paint with no destination in mind and with no one else to approve or collaborate on the process. The wandering that I do in my own painting keeps me alive creatively and feeds all of my other work.
Since 1991 I have been painting and illustrating full time. I have had many shows of my paintings and of various other work (including cut paper, embroidery and bread). I illustrate books. I design fabric and make quilts. My work flows in many directions, but all of the ideas and creations are connected. The work I do in one area inspires the work in others. Ideas beget ideas."


Warren Dykeman, Red Plant, acrylic on canvas, 36 x 24 in, 2017


Warren Dykeman


courtesy of Davidson Galleries


"My paintings and drawings are mixtures of images from sketch books, hand lettering, digital art and collage. I use pencil, acrylic, digital printing and computer projections to create these images.The figure, hand lettering and typography are the major themes of my work. I am intrigued by Folk Art, Primitive Art and all forms of Graphic Art from information design to corporate identity systems. I want my work to contain an awkwardness that has a rhythm between shape, contrast, color and inaccuracy." 

 Joe Max Emminger, clay sculpture, glazed clay, 9 x 4 x 2.5 in, 2015


              Joe Max Emminger                      


courtesy of Linda Hodges Gallery


"I was born in Seattle and have lived here my whole life. I am self-taught ; I learned to paint by painting and looking. I have been painting for all of my adult life. During those years I’ve also done a lot of different things; for many years I worked in the schools with handicapped children. But I’ve always made art. It’s been the foundation of my life.A lot of times my art ends up being about my life, my family, things I see and hear. It is personal. I also try to leave room in my art: room to breathe and live in the world, room for other people to move around in them. In my life I’m always looking for a genuine exchange between people - a true thing. I’m looking for that in my art too and I hope other people can find it there as well."In the last few years Emminger has been working in clay in addition to his painting practice. This is his first exhibit of these pieces.

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